SCHMOEDOWN: Spectacular Preview Super Sized Special

The Movie Trivia Schmoedown is Collider’s hugely popular film trivia competition. Heavily influenced by pro-wrestling, the Schmoedown features huge characters, shocking storylines, and twists galore. Check it out here!

Film Discursion publishes Schmoedown articles every week, discussing the latest matches, storyline twists, and character development. Follow the blog to make sure you catch all of the post-Spectacular content!

The Schmoedown Spectacular takes place this Friday! In this article, I’ll discuss each match, speculate about storyline, make predictions about winners, and look at the ramifications of each potential winner.

MATCH ONE: Dagnino vs Fyffe vs Hayberg vs Washington (Manager Bowl)


The Match: This is potentially the toughest match of the card to predict, because we don’t have as much game tape on these players. I went back and watched every match that these four have competed in, and I couldn’t pick a clear winner. I’ll start of by saying that it’s not Ricky Hayberg. While it’s easy just to look at his 0 point round 1 in his ETC/Wolves of Steel match, and therefore forget that, in other matches, he has scored points, he’s never scored many. With a bit of luck on his side, it’s possible that he may not finish last, but he sure as hell isn’t finishing first. In terms of the other three, the categories they know, they know well, but those that they don’t have been disastrous for them in the past. In Fyffe’s Night Sisters matches, she scored 4 points in round 1, but has had awful round 2 performances. Dagnino surprised everyone in his Macuga match, but played terribly against Knost. Washington knows his Innergeekdom, but outside of that has played poorly. In my mind, the winner Fyffe/Dagnino/Washington will be whoever gets the best wheel spin and 5 point category. There is a further question: has anyone been studying? Because a studying player is a dangerous player, and Washington clearly studied for the Innergeekdom 4 way match, as I suspect Dagnino may have ahead of his Macuga match. This is a really tough one to call.

Prediction: 1st – Fyffe; 2nd – Dagnino; 3rd – Washington; 4th – Hayberg

Ultimately, I picked Emma because I think she has the most strength categories, as well as strengths in other players categories, likely to appear in round 2.

Speculation: The obvious speculation surrounding this match is: who is Fyffe managing? Cushing is a possibility, and there could be a fun storyline if Andreyko leaves the Den to join Fyffe, but for my money, I think Fyffe is managing Wolfe. One of the most straightforwardly face characters in the league, Wolfe is a well established competitor with a record that is keeping her away from the #1 contendership at the moment, despite her obvious trivia prowess. If Wolfe were to be the player that Fyffe is managing, and Fyffe were to win, Wolfe vs JTE II could be an interesting #1 contender match, with a simple heel/face dynamic, accompanied by the history that the players have. If Fyffe is managing Andreyko, this would obviously be the start of a big storyline, but I’ll talk about this later, since I think that there is a lot that could be done with Andreyko at Spectacular. However, if Andreyko gets the #1 contender match, his opponent should be obvious: it’s JTE again. Den member vs former Den member.

Moving on to Hayberg: in the unlikely scenario in which he wins, there are two different #1 contender matches that we could see. The best outcome of the Manager Bowl would be a Hayberg win, coupled with a Top 10 win later in the event. This would set up Top 10 vs Critically Acclaimed in a #1 contender match, with the winner playing Patriots/Above the Line. There’s a lot of history between these 4 teams, and while unlikely, of all the potential matches that could come out of the manager bowl, this is the most exciting. Speaking of Hayberg’s Growling Commandos, I want to see this faction playing a big role at Spectacular. Last year, we saw the set up of The Lion’s Den vs The Four Horsemen. Since the Den won that battle, we have seen lots of smaller, less effective factions spring up. Spectacular II is the chance to build up some bigger factions and create some genuine opposition to the Den. Along with a Face Faction (I’ll talk more about this in the Harloff/Levine match), the Growling Commandos could easily be a powerhouse faction. I’d like to see Lon Harris join the faction, along with a new partner: Marc Andreyko. I’ve talked about this before, but Andreyko doesn’t belong in the Den. When he joined in 2016, it was on the basis that Dagnino would be able to get him a rematch with Bibbiani, but this hasn’t happened. When Murrell left the Den, this didn’t lead to much of a storyline, but this time, I would love to see Andreyko as a former Den member, playing matches against the Den. His new team could easily play a rebooted Blofeld’s Cat, featuring Burnett and either Napzok or Dagnino, and in singles Andreyko is not far off of being able to play the likes of JTE and Sneider. A win for Hayberg would obviously set this up best, but it’s a storyline that I’d like to see regardless.

In terms of Dagnino, this would be the most straightforward win. He has a faction full of potential #1 contenders. With JTE currently ranked #2 in the league, it might make the most sense to give the spot to Sneider, but whomever Dagnino picks, they should be playing the loser of Harloff/Levine. I know that Harloff has said that he intends to retire after his next loss, but as I will talk about when I get to his match, I think that the league is now in a place that would benefit more from his continuing as a competitor. Regardless, the Harloff/Levine match is not storyline heavy enough to make for a satisfying finale to Harloff’s career, and so a stipulation match for the #1 contendership could be far more impactful. You can imagine the hype: Dagnino threatening that he will retire Harloff, while a loss for the Den could have implications for either Napzok or Dagnino, the most obvious rivals for Harloff in the Den. Similarly, the Den has history with Levine, who has beat both Sneider and JTE. A #1 contender match featuring either of them against either of Sneider and JTE would be a big draw.

Finally, let’s talk about Jay Washington and the MISSfits. With only two active members in what was supposed to be a stable of three or more, the Spectacular is make or break for Washington’s career as a manager. If Harloff wants to see the MISSfits continue, he needs to expand the stable, and Spectacular II is where this should happen. While it is possible that either of them are being managed by Fyffe, I would like to see Cushing and Wolfe join the stable. After recently having been spurned by Napzok, I would like to see Cushing join up with the MISSfits to give herself the platform to defeat her former partner. Being part of the MISSfits does not automatically mean a heel turn, since Howard has remained a likeable character despite her role in the faction. While a loss for Washington could see the faction disband, a win could set up Cushing vs Den member JTE in a #1 contender match, or even a new team of Cushing and Wolfe, now part of the MISSfits, against the Patriots, should they lose to Above the Line (I know many have said they should get an automatic rematch, and while I do agree, I would rather get the best match for storyline). If Wolfe is not part of the deal, Cushing could easily team up with Howard, who is at least as good a competitor as her former partner, if not better. Even if Washington loses, I would still like to see Cushing join, perhaps first playing Blofeld’s Cat again in a rematch to settle the controversy surrounding the most recent match. Making Cushing part of the MISSfits would certainly add a lot more to the Dagnino/Washington rivalry, and would allow Washington to continue as a heel-like mouthpiece, without changing the character of Cushing.

MATCH TWO: Navarro vs Inman (Innergeekdom Title Match)


The Match: This is a tough one to predict, since both Navarro and Inman are similarly matched, with similar strengths. In Innergeekdom title matches, predictors often bet against the champ, since we only see Navarro at big event matches, whereas any challenger will necessarily have gone on an impressive run to earn the #1 contender spot. In my mind, Navarro has achieved Innergeekdom success on the back of his Comic Book Movie knowledge, a category that covers around half of all the films relevant in the Innergeekdom league. In his two title matches this year, Navarro has always been the stronger player in Comic Book Movies: Burnett is strongest in Trek, Jahns in Star Wars. In Inman however, Navarro faces an opponent who is either equal, or at least his closest match yet, in Comic Book Movies. Where I think that Inman has the edge, however, is in the fact that he has a greater range of strengths than the champion. Inman definitely beats Navarro in Trek, and his perfect round 1 in the fatal four way match (a feat not achieved by Cushing) demonstrates a breadth of knowledge across all Innergeekdom categories that I think that Navarro lacks. I expect this to be close, but Inman has the advantage in round 1, and a better chance of drawing a strength in round 2.

Prediction: Inman

Confidence: 65% (number must be over 50%, or I’d be picking the other competitor!)

Speculation: There’s not a lot of storyline to talk about here, aside from the obvious fact that Inman tried to force his way into this year’s Burnett/Navarro title match. However, going forward, the benefit of Navarro as champion is that it builds up the significance of the title. Just like Murrell when he was on his initial undefeated run, or the Patriots now, there is something more exciting about a long-running champion. It’s part of what contributed to the excitement when Rocha finally defeated Murrell. However, for me, the Innergeekdom league would be in a more exciting place with a new Champion, since I feel that the Navarro/Burnett rivalry can no longer dominate the league, and Inman has developed interesting rivalries with other players in the league.

Beyond this, if Inman becomes the Champion, it could have an interesting result in the singles and team leagues. Navarro is a busy guy, so rarely competes outside Innergeekdom, but Inman has a singles and team career that could be rejuvenated by a win on Friday, in the same way that a win for the Patriots at last year’s Spectacular lead to JTE’s 2017 run. A title-holding Inman could built Innergeekdom rivalries in the other leagues: we could see him face Kalinowski in a Trek vs DC Movie News match, Burnett in a Trek vs Blofeld’s Cat match, and Cushing in a Trek vs New Nerd’s Watch match. In singles, his 2-3 record could see him face Burnett (0-1), Washington (0-1), Navarro (0-0), or even Bateman (0-1), who has expressed an interest in Innergeekdom. A win in this match could make Jason Inman one of the more interesting competitors to schedule in 2018. It would also be nice to see Navarro playing in non-title Innergeekdom matches, in which he can take on a greater variety of competitors.

MATCH THREE: Napzok vs Witwer (Star Wars Title Match)


The Match: Well. In the last few weeks, the Star Wars Title match has gone from one of the least interesting on the card to one of the most exciting. In terms of the match, I was all ready to predict a Napzok win. I was going to cite Napzok’s greater depth of knowledge, being more likely to triumph in round 2 and round 5 against Witwer’s more encyclopedic but more surface level knowledge, likely to give him the edge in round 1. But now, it looks like this will be an Iron Man Match, essentially all round 1 questions, and this favours Witwer. However, over the last few weeks of build-up to The Last Jedi, I’ve heard Napzok talking about Star Wars a lot, and I’ve been really impressed. Again, this should be a close one (although that applies to all of the Spectacular matches), but I’m minded to give Napzok the slight edge. Expect Dagnino and Napzok to be ranting about last year’s match, in which The Force Bros defeated Napzok’s The Council because, as Dagnino and Napzok will claim, Harloff is a biased judge, out to screw over Napzok at every opportunity.

Prediction: Napzok

Confidence: 60%

A Napzok defence would be better for storyline, since heel champions need defences to retain their heel-ness (just look at Rocha and his failed defence against Reilly). After all of the build-up around Napzok’s character, a loss in this match would be a bit anticlimactic, and while his eventual defeat will be the moment that fans root for, I would rather see Napzok defeated by a clearer face with a rivalry with Napzok. I hope to see the likes of Scrimshaw and Damon pushed as faces that want to restore ‘balance to the force’ in 2018, and I have previously pitched Harloff and Reilly’s entry to the Star Wars league, with the goal of taking down the villainous champion Napzok.

A win or loss for Napzok could also be part of a storyline that I’m keen to see: the overthrowing of Dagnino. A loss for the Patriots and Dagnino could begin to undermine Dagnino’s leadership of the Den, and if Napzok wins, he looks stronger by comparison, while if he loses, he can respond as Burnett did when leaving the Horsemen: I was winning before I joined. These events could act as the beginnings to a storyline in which Napzok overthrows Dagnino, cementing his place as the biggest heel in all of the Schmoedown. We could even see a Napzok vs Dagnino match for the managership of the faction. Beyond this, I’d love to see Dagnino forced to team up with other heel managers Washington and Hayberg, as Napzok’s domination of the league calls for unholy alliances to take him down. I really believe that the character that the league has created in ‘heel-Ken’ is strong enough to take down the biggest manager in schmoedown history, and could be a huge storyline in 2018.

MATCH FOUR: Patriots vs Above the Line (Team Title Match)


The match that some see as the main event of the card, Above the Line look like the biggest threat that the Patriots have ever faced. With victories over Trek and MODOK being won in Sudden Death, the step up in quality of opponents should give Patriots fans cause for concern. Defend the belt one more time, and I don’t know who is left to dethrone the Patriots. Despite similar answer percentages, it is worth noting that JTE’s game has improved since his last title match (leading to his run in the Ultimate Schmoedown), which, along with 5 round match experience, could give the Pats the edge. However, I am minded to pick Above the Line, since I believe that McWeeny is among the most knowledgeable in the Schmoedown. The fact that it is Levine that has defeated both Sneider and JTE, rather than McWeeny, leads me to pick Above the Line. I know that McWeeny has been beaten by both members of the Patriots, but I think that both Levine and McWeeny play better as a team, despite playing incredibly well in singles.

Prediction: Above the Line

Confidence: 65%

Speculation: Above the Line as champs does not create a lot of storyline, although I do think that the duo have the potential to go on a similar unbeaten run to that of their opponents, the Patriots. Of course, the most exciting prospect is of a double belted Levine, but we’ll come to that later. If defeated, Above the Line could be playing the likes of MODOK and Top That, all matches that excite. If the Patriots win, then it simply contributes to the strength of the team as undefeated powerhouse champions. If they do defend, I think that the Patriots might warrant some kind of special event in which they play five matches in a row against all potential opponents, retiring either when they lose or when they defeat all of the challengers. But that’s an article that I’ll write if the Patriots remain the Champions on Friday.

MATCH FIVE: Action vs Top 10 (Stipulation Match)


The Match: Oh, this is a good one! For those that don’t remember, if Action win, they get a title shot and Top 10 break up as a team for one year, while if Top 10 win, they get a #1 contender match. I’ll discuss the implications of all of that in a moment, but first, my prediction. Despite winning the last match these two played, Action look like the underdog to me, having played one of their worse games when they beat Top 10, followed by being completely outclassed by Above the Line. Are Action running out of steam? The question I have is this: was their performances against Top 10 and Above the Line flukes, or were the flukes the matches against Late to the Party and Trek? Ghai has been looking shaky lately, while Top 10 seem like two guys on a mission. As has been pointed out before, this is a game of two matches: Rocha vs Bateman and Knost vs Ghai. For my money, Bateman and Knost will be the individual winners, but I am predicting a Top 10 win. Top 10 have put a lot on the line in this match, and I expect them to back it up.

Prediction: Top 10

Confidence: 70%

Speculation: A win for Action is only exciting if they win with conviction, since they will have a huge title match to play regardless of the champions they face. An Above the Line rematch might be exciting, but the match I think we all want to see is Action vs Patriots. Of course, if this is the match we get coming out of Spectacular, I’ve got both of my predictions wrong, but I wouldn’t mind if it meant we got the heel vs heel match we all crave. An Action loss, on the other hand, would leave the team at 5-2, the sort of level that could give the team another #1 contender match, although the controversy that rose up when Top 10 were offered a #1 contender match despite losing in the Ultimate Schmoedown semi-finals. In terms of scheduling, I’m not sure what I’d do with team  Action if they lost. Perhaps a match against a reformed Team Schmoes? In terms of storyline however, an Action loss is exciting because of what it might mean for Team Top 10. I’ll talk about that in a minute.

A loss for Top 10 means that they break up. If this happens, I want to see Rocha take a step back from all competition for few months, and take up the role of manager. Back in the days of the Four Horsemen, Rocha was a fantastic mouthpiece for his competitors, a fact that seems to have been forgotten after the faction imploded. The problem that the faction had was that they all wanted to be the best. As a non-competing manager, Rocha could be fantastic, and could play a big role in the face faction that I’ll be pitching in my Harloff/Levine breakdown. In terms of Knost, a loss to Action should surely lead to either a Knost/Bateman or Knost/Ghai singles match.

However, here’s the option that excites me most: Top 10 win, and earn a #1 contender spot. In terms of opponent, I’d like to see MODOK play Top That (a rematch that should be exciting), with the winner playing Top 10. Ideally we’d see MODOK play Top 10, since Rotten Tomatoes vs Top 10 is still a highlight of the early days of the team league. But more exciting than that is something that Rocha hinted at on the most recent All the Belts Podcast (which I recommend everyone checks out), as well as on the Rundown. Rocha mentioned that Action may have woken up ‘the man in black’, the heel Outlaw that we fell in love with in 2016. He also tells us that he is considering restarting the Four Horsemen. Who do we know that are big fans of ‘the man in black’? Team Action, who claim that this version of Rocha was their inspiration. And despite the hatred that Top 10 have shown towards Action, before they ever played, Rocha mentioned on Inside Schmoedown and a number of other platforms that he was a fan of Action and the work they were doing, and even mentioned that they might make for new members of the Horsemen. If Action lose, I’d love them to tell Rocha that all of the smack-talk, all of the rivalry, has been about bringing back the man in black, and that they have reminded Rocha how to win. Top 10 and Team Action could form a new faction, and go into 2018 looking to dominate the league. Bateman and Rocha have expressed an interest in playing in Innergeekdom, Rocha could give Bateman a push in Singles, and the whole thing has great potential. A new Four Horsemen, committed to the ideal of trash talk.

It is true that Action shouldn’t join just any faction, since they work best as a solo act, but with Top 10 I make an exception, since we know that Action were inspired by 2016s Rocha. This is the sort of shocker that I think Harloff could have been cooking up for the Spectacular.

MATCH SIX: Harloff vs Levine (Singles Title Match)


The Match: And here it is, the main event, and for me, the hardest match to predict after the manager bowl. Many look at Levine’s recent run as evidence of his being the favourite in this match, but Harloff has been on a run that is just as impressive, the difference being that Harloff’s matches are more spread out, so perhaps less prominent in the memory. Just look at Harloff’s last three victories: Bibbiani, Sneider, Murrell. Levine may even have a more impressive list – here’s his last four: Bibbiani, Rocha, Cushing, JTE. Levine may have more weaknesses than Harloff, but has been studying the holes in his game recently. Both competitors have unusual strengths – Harloff has Scores and Soundtracks, while Levine has Movie Release Dates (who knew that?). Both have a broad range of movie knowledge, along with areas of highly detailed areas of expertise (Star Wars for Harloff, and just look at Levine’s Princess Bride never get involved in a land war in Asia pull). While Levine has been playing a lot more recently, Harloff is always talking moves as part of his day to day job.

This isn’t even a match that can be decided by looking at the recent luck of the competitors: both Levine and Harloff have had the magic touch with the wheel lately. Experience won’t count either: both have played a number of five round matches before. Of all the matches, this one really is a coin toss for me, but I’m going to give it to Levine by a hair. Admittedly, this will likely be determined by the wheel, but the fact that Harloff’s win over Murrell was a weaker game is enough for me to give the edge to Levine. It shouldn’t really factor in, but I need a decider here!

Prediction: Levine

Confidence: 55%

Speculation: A Harloff win is beneficial for those (like me) that don’t want to see him retire, but I don’t think that he should retire, regardless of the result. Since Thadd has become the interim Commissioner, the problem that some have had with Harloff’s so-called ‘bias’ has gone away. As such, Thadd should remain Commissioner, and Harloff should continue to compete (after all, giving the title of Commish to Thadd doesn’t mean that Harloff is no longer running storylines etc., just that he doesn’t appear to be so heavily involved). Thadd is doing a great job, and his contracts are not only amusing, but also a great addition to the league. Check out his recent appearances on the All the Belts podcast (I really can’t praise hosts Alia and Dan enough for all the great work they do), and you’ll be convinced! But why do we need Kristian in the league? Simple, there are storylines that he is involved in that simply can’t be settled outside the ring. Harloff’s rivalry with Dagnino needs to come to a head (hence the match I pitched earlier in which a member of the Den tries to retire Harloff), and Harloff vs Napzok is the Star Wars match that would excite me most after the incredible post-Blofeld’s Cat/Nerd’s Watch post match interview.

Even if he does step back from competing, I’d like to see Harloff involved in the Face-Faction that I have been teasing this entire article. The idea of factions has been a bit of a through-line in this preview, and that’s because the Den has no real opposition right now. Whether it’s a reformation of the Four Horsemen with Top 10 and Action, or a rejuvenation of the MISSfits with the additions of Cushing and Wolfe, or even the formation-proper of the Growling Commandos, by bring Andreyko and Harris into the stable of smugness, we need more than just the Den in the league as a threatening faction. However, there’s one thing that the Den, the MISSfits, the Four Horsemen and the Growling Commandos all have in common: they’re all heel factions. Spectacular II is the prime opportunity to create something brand new: a face faction (Kalinowski’s League doesn’t really count, since it consists of one team and has had little impact on the Schmoedown so far) . There are any number of competitors that could join this face faction. While I’ve pitched different factions for the likes of Andreyko, Cushing, and Wolfe, they could all feature here. If Top 10 loses, Rocha would make for a good mouthpiece for this faction. Fyffe’s management of a new competitor could easily be tied in here, firmly establishing her as a face interviewer who, like Grace, has a faction behind her. There are tons of others who could join, and for myself, this would be a great chance to un-retire Reilly (although he may be needed at the desk, now that Ken has gone heel). Levine and McWeeny seem obvious candidates. And leading them all, Kristian Harloff, who no longer has to worry about the commissionership, with Thadd acting as our true neutral. In my mind, the situation is the same as with the interviewers: Grace is our Heel interviewer, Dagnino our heel manager; Fyffe our face interviewer, Harloff our face manager; Jenn out neutral interviewer, Thadd our neutral Commissioner.

The problem that faces have had in the Schmoedown in the past is that, because of their necessary niceness, they aren’t noticeable, meaning that the Schmoedown is labelled a ‘heel league’. With a faction of faces, this would change. There is clear opposition for the new faction in the form of the Lion’s Den, and the grudge matches that could take place at the top of every league would be great (JTE is sitting high in the Singles league, while the belt-holder post Spectacular is sure to be a face. The Patriots and Above the Line sit on opposite sides of the divide, and look sure to meet many times in title matches). 2017 was the year of the heel factions. I’m hoping that 2018 will be the year of heel vs face factions.

A Seventh Match?


The Schmoedown Blog (something else you should check out) recently theorised that there would be a seventh, surprise match at Spectacular, and I like the theory. Like the Schmoedown Blog, I think that a seventh match would be a #1 contender match in the Singles League. This makes a lot of sense, since the Spectacular garners a lot of views, which carry over to the February title matches more easily when the match is set up at the Spectacular. While we don’t know whether or not Action/Top 10 will provide a #1 contender, the Singles league currently has no #1 contender match scheduled. I believe that such a match is planned, but cannot be revealed because neither of the competitors have been set. The manager bowl will determine our first contender, but I believe that the second player is dependent on the winner of the Managers Bowl. Making the assumption that Dagnino would pick Sneider, Hayberg will pick Bibbiani, Fyffe is managing Wolfe, and that my ‘Cushing to join the MISSfits’ theory holds, and that Cushing would be Washington’s pick, let’s look at the potential matches:

Manager Bowl Contender: Bibbiani

In this scenario, I would expect JTE to be put up as the other player, since he sits at #2 in the rankings, and this match would not only be a rematch of the shocker of the year, but would also spark the Den/Commandos rivalry that I’m so keen to see. A great way to bring the season full circle.

Manager Bowl Contender: JTE/Cushing

If Dagnino wins, JTE could either play Cushing (our #3 ranked player) or a losing Levine: either plays into ongoing rivalries. Above the Line/Patriots is set to be one of the hottest clashes of the Spectacular, but a re-run of the Ultimate Schmoedown Final could be too soon. JTE vs Cushing has the benefit of paying off the recent Nerd’s Watch storyline, giving Cushing her chance to take her revenge on the Den and Napzok. Similarly, if Washington were to win and Cushing play, then JTE would be her opponent for these same reasons. Don’t count out the possibility of a Cushing/Kalinowski match however, after their Innergeekdom run in.

Manager Bowl Contender: Wolfe

My assumed signing on the part of Fyffe, Wolfe is another player that could find herself facing JTE, giving JTE the chance to avenge one of his only two losses this season. Wolfe and JTE have a great history that can still yield fascinating matches, as the result of ‘the decision’ still impacting the Schmoedown.

It might seem like leaving a seventh match this open would make no sense in terms of running the event, but the #2 ranked player JTE features in all of these matches, and most of the other players are likely to appear at Spectacular. Cushing has already confirmed her attendance, and Bibbiani is likely to attend to support his manager. Wolfe could well be calling a match, but is another player likely to turn up for the biggest event of the year (Schmoedown or otherwise).

Whether everything that I have speculated about here is nonsense or not, we’ll find out on Friday. Either way, the Spectacular is set to be the most exciting event of the season, so if you want to talk theories, predictions and speculation with me, you can always tweet me @FilmDiscursion, drop a comment below, or find me in the MTS Facebook group!

Well, there we go. A super-sized Schmoedown preview. If you’ve made it this far, you’re clearly a massive Schmoedown fan, like me. I post articles about the Schmoedown every Monday, at minimum, so if you want to read more of my Schmoedown thoughts, feel free to follow the blog on twitter @FilmDiscursion. Look out for a ton of articles post-Spectacular breaking down the results and speculating about the future.

Fancy writing for Film Discursion? We’re looking for contributors to a ‘Best Films of 2017’ series, so contact me on twitter @FilmDiscursion if you’re interested!

If you want to check out more of the content on the blog, I publish reviews, Top 10 lists and Schmoedown articles every week. Check out some of those below:

SCHMOEDOWN: Blofeld’s Cat vs Nerd’s Watch

FAVOURITE FILMS: How to Train Your Dragon

TOP 10: Superhero Films

IN DEPTH: The Last Jedi Spoiler Review

REVIEW: The Last Jedi (Spoiler Free)

REVIEW: Justice League (Spoiler Free)

REVIEW: Battle of the Sexes

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